
Frequently Asked Questions

In this Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page, you can browse:

  • General Questions, which answers questions that are not specific to particular cloud providers
  • Specific Questions, which answers questions that are specific to particular cloud providers

Alternatively, in the right side-bar, you see short versions of every question. To see an expanded version of the question, any related questions, and the answers to questions, click on the link.

General Questions (not cloud-provider specific)

General ...

How often is data updated?

How often are resources in Klarity updated?

Some changes in Klarity will be visible only after the scanning and recalculation process. Klarity updates information records for all public cloud resources (AWS, Azure, GCP) every 24 hours. In addition, you can trigger the recalculation manually, whenever the recalculation icon is visible.


The process of manual recalculation can take up to 4 hours, so the best strategy is to:

  • first, complete all your changes
  • then, trigger manual recalculation

Isn’t billing data enough?

Why isn’t billing data enough for Klarity? Why does Klarity require read-access to all Cloud estates?​

The way Klarity works is it combines data from two different sources (billing and Cloud Estate APIs) to merge the sources into Klarity Estate. This way Klarity can ensure that it has all the data needed to provide users with both - cost visibility and extended estate/search capabilities. We just merge two "kinds" of data sources into one. To make sure we have data about whole estate we need this read-only access to everything.

Any additional charges?

Will I incur any additional charges on my cloud accounts if I use Klarity?

Azure charges a very small fee for every API call, and Klarity uses this API to access your account. For example, 1 million API calls cost a total of 0.05$.

Is there secure access to Klarity?

How are users given secure access to Klarity? For example, can my organization use AAD SAML/SSO integration to add users / control user logins?

We use a 3rd-party Identity Management service provider. The authentication process is handled by Auth0. It is possible to create a federation with Azure Active Directory.

How is user-data protected?

GDPR: What user-data is stored in Klarity. Where is this information is physically located?

Klarity stores the first name, last name, and email addresses of every contact in, and every user of, Klarity. In addition, Klarity's Identity Management provider stores IP addresses for security purposes. Data is stored in Amazon Web Services' EU regions, with a primary site in Ireland, and a backup site in Frankfurt. For more information on the level of GDPR compliance of our providers, please see: https://auth0.com/security and https://aws.amazon.com/compliance/gdpr-center/.

Build own integrations with API?

Can I build my own integrations by using Klarity's API?

Yes, you can access Klarity's API from the dashboard. Hover over your username, and click on API playground in the drop-down. If you wish to use Klarity's API outside of Klarity's UI, please contact us.

Automatically populate data to Klarity?

Is it possible to populate data automatically to Klarity by using, for example, a REST API?

In Klarity, you have access to the GraphQL API. If you do something in the UI, you can also do it using our API.

How to create new subscription / resources?

In Klarity, how do we create and enable a new subscription / new resources?

Klarity combines two types of data: billing and estate. Klarity automatically discovers your subscriptions, based on processing your billing files. If you update subscriptions with Service Principal credentials, Klarity can start scanning your infrastructure, and can add detailed information about your cloud resources. Service Principal can be set on the management-group level.

Is my organization's infrastructure secure?

If a service user account is permitted to read my whole infrastructure, how is the security of such an account handled in Klarity?

We implement and constantly update, based on current best practices. Credentials to your infrastructure are stored in a separate, secure environment. Temporary credentials are passed to relevant services only for the scanning process. We have implemented strict access-control to our IT infrastructure. Data is encrypted both in transit, and at rest, following industry standards (strong encryption, key rotation, automation).

Change the billing period?

Can we change the billing period?

In the top bar, hover over current billing period. Note that, by switching to the previous billing period, you will change the data everywhere in Klarity, in the applications, in business context, and in the dashboard.

Specific Questions (about particular cloud-providers)

Specific ...

AWS: When is cost data visible?

AWS: When will my AWS cost data be visible in Klarity?

After onboarding is complete, it can take up to 72 hours to receive all the cost information from AWS. All resource information is available after the first 24 hours.

Azure: Check type of account?

Azure: How can I check which type of account I have in Azure?

See: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cost-management-billing/manage/view-all-accounts#check-the-type-of-your-account

GCP: Use tags in Klarity?

GCP: In Klarity, can we use tags with GCP?

For Google Cloud Platform, we use labels as the equivalent of tags.

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