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With the full-text search mechanism for Estates Records, you can:
- search in either the current or previous billing period
- search for fuzzy matches or an exact match
- search for any text or tag
- combine search terms
- apply (or switch off) single or multiple filters
To see how to carry out searches, see the examples below.
Search in either current or previous billing period
You can apply the search mechanism for Estates Records to either the current billing period, or the previous billing period.
Within the current billing period, search results show records for the current period.
When you switch to the previous billing period, and then search, you see records that were active in the previous period - in this case, the top banner states that you are searching in the previous billing period.
Search for fuzzy match or exact match
By default, you carry out a fuzzy search on your search terms. This returns search results which are exact matches and approximate matches (variants of the exact match).
Alternatively, you can search for an exact match (only) by wrapping your search phrase in double (or single) quotation marks – in this case, if you make a typo, you will not get back the search results that you’re expecting.
Search for any text, or for tag
In the search field, you can carry out a full-text search for any text that you specify.
Alternatively, you can search for text that you expect to be in resource tags. Therefore, you can search for:
- Account
- Application Name
- Environment Name
- Klarity ID
- Metadata (keys and values)
- Project ID (for GCP resources)
- Provider
- Region
- Resource Group (for Azure resources)
- Resource Name
- Tag Name and Tag Value
- Type and Subtype
Combine search terms
It can be useful to combine search terms.
For example AWS postgres "eu-west-1" klarity production
searches for all matches which combine those search criteria (provider, metadata, region, application name and environment name).
Sort search results
You can sort search results by:
- Monthly Costs
- Region
- Resource Name
- Type and Subtype
Apply (or switch off) single or multiple filters
In addition, to narrow down your search results from the search field, you can apply the following filters either as a single filter, or as multiple filters:
- Account
- Application Name
- Cloud Waste
- Environment Name
- Monthly Cost (from-to)
- Provider
- Region
- Tag Name and Tag Value
- Type and Subtype
- Unassigned
Below the search field, you can see which filters you have applied.
In the same location, you can also switch off individual filters, without first going back to the filter sidebar.
Search examples
searches for all resources with this Application Namestaging
searches for this Environment Name192.0.2.0
searches for resources related to that particular IP addresspostgres 10.14
searches for resources that have this value in metadata (resources that are running this particular version of PostgreSQL)"redshift-cluster-1"
searches for all occurrences of this Resource Name"3389"
searches for resources that have this value (ports in security groups for remote desktop on Windows)"go1.x"
searches for this value in metadata (lambda functions written in go)"cluster"
searches for a Subtype (only), rather than Typeubuntu "eu-central-1"
searches for resources related to ubuntu in the eu-central-1 region