
Cost splitting rules

In Klarity, Cost splitting is where all other costs land. For example, this includes costs, such as support or networking. With this feature, you can allocate those costs to individual environments according to your needs.

In main go to Cost splitting rules:

Cost splitting rules main menu

In Cost splitting rules, you see three categories of costs:

  • Other costs
  • Support cost
  • Networking cost

Cost splitting rules

Each category can be allocated proportionally, equally, or manually either to all environments or to the particular environments that you define. In Klarity, the default settings for allocation are equal assignment to all environments.

Cost splitting rules_main_screen

Cost splitting rules_default

To change the cost splitting algorithm, click the Assigning method link:

Cost splitting assigned

Choose the Cost splitting algorithm that you require:

Cost splitting algorithm

In a similar way, define the environment you wish to assign by clicking the Assigned to link.

Cost splitting environments

In the side panel, change the target environments for Cost splitting. To see all environments, uncheck the All environments checkbox:

Cost splitting environments_all

To see all environments, de-select:

Cost splitting environments_all2

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