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Klarity supports the cloud carbon footprint calculation and saving suggestions for selected AWS resources.
The formula of carbon footprint calculations (CO2e)
CO2e = kilowattHours * emissionsFactors[region]
kilowattHours is calculated based on different types, like Compute, Memory, Networking and Storage types (Ref.1).
emissionsFactors is a constant which is defined in the CCF (Cloud Carbon Footprint) code for different providers and regions (Ref.2).
Notes: Most of the values are constant, but they are different for each type, resource, and cloud provider
The list of AWS supported services
Carbon footprint calculations:
- EC2
- ElastiCache
- Lambda
- S3
Carbon footprint saving suggestion:
- Idle Resources
- Orphan Resources
- Overprovisioned Virtual Machines
- Overprovisioned Databases
Carbon footprint saving suggestion transition formula
Carbon footprint saving suggestions are displayed in grams units. The tooltip for carbon footprint saving suggestions is displaying the savings equivalent (Ref.3) of:
- carbon emissions generated by a driving car
- carbon emissions generated by charging a smartphone
Applications, Environments, Estate Records and Organization Units
The aggregated information about carbon footprint emission and saving suggestions is visible on:
- the application, environment and organization unit details view
Picture 1. Carbon footprint calculation and savings
Picture 2. Carbon footprint savings tooltip
Additional carbon footprint saving suggestion icons with a tooltip are visible on:
- application list view
- list of the environments on the application details view
- estate record list with additional filter "Estate Records with Carbon Emissions Savings"