Page Sections
This page shows examples of using Klarity's GraphQL API usage.
To use the API, you can leverage GRAPHIQL
For example, if you want to...
Add an application
mutation addApplication($name: String!, $ownerId: ID!) {addApplicationV2(input: { name: $name, displayName: $name, ownerId: $ownerId }) {id}}
{"name":, "ownerId": }
Add an application's environment / stage
mutation addEnvironment($applicationNID: ID!$name: String!$type: EnvironmentType!$ownerID: ID!) {addEnvironmentV2(input: {applicationNid: $applicationNIDname: $namedisplayName: $nametype: $typeownerId: $ownerID}) {id}}
{"applicationNID": "", "name":"", "type": "PRODUCTION", "ownerID": "" }
For type available options are PRODUCTION
Get a list of accounts
query getAccounts {accountsV2(limit: 50, page: 0) {countpagesaccounts {nidproviderproviderIdnamestatus}}}
Add an account as a mapping rule
mutation addAccountAsDiscoveryRule($environmentID: String!$ruleName: String!$account: String!) {addDiscoveryRule(input: {environmentId: $environmentIDname: $ruleNamematch: { cloudAccount: [$account] }}) {id}}
{"environmentID":"", ruleName:"", $account:""}
Get a list of applications and their environments
query getApplications {applicationsPaginated(limit: 50, page: 0) {countpagesresults {nidnamedisplayNamedescriptionenvironmentsV2(page: 0, limit: 50) {environments {nidnamedisplayNameenvironmentType}}}}}
Add a contact person
mutation addContact($name: String!, $email: String!) {addPerson(input: { email: $email, name: $name }) {id}}
{"email":"", "name":""}
Add an account
mutation addAccount($provider: Provider!$name: String!$ownerID: ID!$providerId: ID!$creds: String!) {addAccountV2(input: {provider: $providerproviderId: $providerIdname: $nameownerId: $ownerIDcreds: $creds}) {id}}
{"provider": "<AWS|GCP|AZURE>", "providerId":"<account ID>" "name":"", "ownerID": "", "creds": "see description below"}
The credentials must follow the rules described in the API documentation:
Credentials that are saved, and then assumed to perform scanning operations credential, are passed as string-encoded JSON, with following format for each provider (based on the provider field):
- AZURE provider:
{ "password": "asdf2389-fwan", "appId": "63894e1a-1b3b-4a89-9574-3b1660ac4c10", "tenantId": "bd84a79f-f391-4e9f-b358-c18d4b8b078b" }
- GCP provider:
{ "type": "service_account", "project_id": "test-sa", "private_key_id": "8f3ce9b574486fafa80c1a6052775409efd76642", "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----...", "client_email": "", "client_id": "494254016998140918876", "auth_uri": "", "token_uri": "", "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "", "client_x509_cert_url": "" }
- AWS provider, the credentials are a role-chain that is assumed from a proxy account:
{ "roles": [ { "externalId": "awd87JKLdsan.jk", "arn": "arn:aws:iam::123123123123:role/CMPScannerServiceRole" } ] }
- additionally, credentials for AWS chain can include static credentials in addition to assumed role-chain for AWS provider, the credentials are a role-chain that is assumed from a proxy account:
{ "credentials: { "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID": "12312dawf23wefq3urhfwliueq", "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY": "adsfbhjkauv23089purhjfqwlcanpiuqweh" }, "roles": [ { "externalId": "awd87JKLdsan.jk", "arn": "arn:aws:iam::123123123123:role/CMPScannerServiceRole" } ], "region": "cn-northwest-1" }